Category Archives: Music

A category for all my thoughts on music; reviews and general musings.

Mystery Jets interview – Chevrolet Spark Unscheduled Tour, 6 May 2010

Mystery Jets setlist

Birmingham won a coveted second spot on the Chevrolet Spark Unscheduled Tour contest to see the Mystery Jets head to the Custard Factory last Thursday (aka Election Day) in support of their upcoming album, Serotonin.

Space 2 in the Custard Factory is a fairly intimate venue, holding around 200 people, and is the perfect place to showcase the Mystery Jets new songs from Serotonin (out in July) and welcomes them back into touring the UK. The new album seems less pop, more dance influenced and looks to be aiming for the hallowed arena of a Coldplay concert. Just with more fun.

Older songs such as Young Love and Hideaway get the biggest reception of the night, which is hardly surprising. But the audience lap up the newer stuff too, some of which has been showcased on their MySpace beforehand but mostly unheard.

Earlier in the day I caught up with William and Kapil from the band…

How would you describe your sound?

William: it’s pop music with a whole multitude of different influences from psychedelic music to dance music.  I wouldn’t describe it, it’s hard to talk about your own music – go and listen to it.

Do you have any non-music influences?

William: Novels and books make it into our songs.  A book called Lorna Doone is the title of one of our songs.  A book some of us were reading a year of two ago called The Fountainhead was a big influence in how we approached some of our song writing.  All that definitely finds its way in.

How did you get involved in the Spark Unscheduled tour?

William: Chevrolet approached us and propositioned us.  It sounded like a really great way of coming back and doing gigs in England, because we haven’t released anything for a couple of years and we didn’t really tour the UK last year.  We did a few festivals but mainly we were out the country. And it seemed like a really nice idea to come to places like Birmingham and play quite intimate venues.

Did the pop-up idea of the tour interest you?

William: It’s a really exciting way of doing a gig when people don’t really know exactly where or when it’s going to be.  It just kinda appears.  The more people that vote for the gig to be in Birmingham, then the more chance it has of happening.

I really wanted to do one in Cornwall because there’s an outdoor theatre right on the sea.  Like a kind of mini amphitheatre made out of stone, which is just incredible.  They do Shakespeare there in the summer.  It wasn’t possible on this tour, but we hope to do something there some point – maybe something acoustic.

If you could be any other artist, who would you be?

William: I don’t know – maybe Robert Wyatt or Ray Davis.  But I only really like Ray Davis’s music from about 1965-74.  He’s just a really great songwriter, the best, in my opinion.  He didn’t necessarily go off and do really wild things, some people are more innovative.

On a similar note, you mentioned the All Tomorrows Parties festivals in another interview.  Who would you pick to play at yours?

William: I think is really cool when bands reform just to play their best album and do it in its entirety.  I always think that’s great.  I’d get Talk Talk to reform and do Spirit of Eden and The Meat Puppets to do Mirage.  All sorts of things really – Robert Wyatt on there.

The new album, Serotonin, is it a similar to older album?

William: I think it’s quite a departure, our new record.  It’s really big sounding and wide screen.  It’s filmic and epic.

Kapil: And elegant as well.

William: Yeah, I think there’s a kind of elegance to it.  It’s just such a mixture; every song is different and quite drastically as well.

Kapil: I do think there are elements of our first record there.

William: Yeah, it’s almost like a marriage of the first and second albums.

Can you explain the significance of the title?

William: The idea of serotonin is that we want our music to have the same effect on people as serotonin has on them.

It is Election Day today, is that something that interests you?

William: Yeah, we all voted.  It’s really important.  With this election it’s drawn a lot of young people in to be interested in politics – it definitely has with all of us. 

Kapil:  There’s a real opportunity to shake things up and make a change.

William: I wouldn’t say we’re a political band, I don’t think that’s ever going to come out in our song writing in the way you get those slightly political religious overtones with bands like U2.  I don’t think that’s particularly interesting, what I think is interesting is the way this election has been dealt with in a  kind of X-Factor way.  It’s become sort of political porn – when you watch it, it’s more about the tension on the TV screen and the fight of it.  The whole bullshit around it is quite interesting, none of them are really saying what they’re going to do, they’re just saying he’s shit, don’t vote for him.

Kapil: they’re all just attacking each other.

William: It’s a big dogfight and that’s always very entertaining to watch.

Kapil: It also makes you more confused thinking about it.  They all just as good as each other – or bad as each other.

William: No one is saying we’re gonna do that, make your choice.  It’s not as clear as that – it’s so confusing.  Particularly David Cameron, he just wants to please people, I think.  I think the only part that is really saying what we’re going to do and that’s it is Labour.

Mystery Jets’ new album, Serotonin, is out on Rough Trade records on 5 July.

Chevrolet Spark Unscheduled Tour

Pop-up seems to be all the range at the moment.  There’s the obvious Created in Birmingham shop in the Bullring, but last week an email came my way about a pop-up tour which will be visiting Birmingham tomorrow.

It’s an interesting idea, the Chevrolet Spark Unscheduled Tour.  A tour which just pops up in whatever city votes for it (Brum narrowly beat Liverpool for second stop) could go horribly wrong.  After all, what if no one turns up?  It’s not like there’s been much notice and all the good venues will have been booked up months ago.  Good job the tour is being headlined by a well established band with a sturdy fan-base like the Mystery Jets, who are fresh off touring with the Arctic Monkeys and will be previewing songs from their latest album, Serotonin, ahead of its release in July.  Oh and it’s free too (well, free with an invite there may be some left).

The organisers also managed to score what’s supposed to be a half decent venue too, so that’ll solve the ‘no room at the inn’ issue.  Then again I’ve never been to Space 2 and my knowledge of the Custard Factory extends to a bit of a fluke invite to wander the venues and too much time spent in the Bead Shop.  But I’ve been told it’s nice…

So tomorrow, I’m off to cast my vote, spend a few hours at work and then off to see how exactly a pop up gig works.  Oh and see the Transformer-esque world’s first fully functioning car DJ booth – transformed from  roadworthy to a fully-functional DJ booth in under 20 minutes, apparently.  Which considering I know nothing of cars, I’m genuinely quite intrigued to see.  If it turns into Optimus Prime as an encore I may very well start saving for one…

Birmingham has a new academy

If it weren’t for the fact I am sat on the floor in the new Birmingham Academy listening to the first headlining band, Editors, playing I might not believe it to actually be open.

They’ve been talking about this move forever, so it’s good to see it finally happen. I spent a fair amount of time in the old academy and it was a woefully depressing music venue. The air conditioning stopped working, the loos always flooded and you could barely see anything on the Academy2 stage. Bar academy was a smelly tunnel and completely useless for an audience of more than 15. I spent a lot of time at the academy because it was where the bands I wanted to see were playing. As a music venue it was horrible.

But enough about the old. This is a new Academy. The new paint smell is still lingering and the carpet has that freshly laid bounce. It’s shiny and brand new. It has at least 44 ladies loos. More importantly, there are three very seperate venues. Something the old one never really managed. I’ve only seen two so far, as Academy2 isn’t open to the public yet, but The main and third academy look like good spaces.

Main Academy holds around 3000, I think, with a balcony area which is currently holding the VIPs so I’ve not been up. I’m not overly keen on balconies, so we’ll leave it at that. The floor, however, feels better. There are three quite large bars on two adjacent walls, a nice big merchandise area and a few good spaces to sit – although still not enough, in my opinion, hence sitting on the floor. More importantly there’s a good view from the room. But there’s still quite a lot of those blind spits the old Academy suffered from, they just don’t seem as bad.

Academy3 is very plush. It holds about 250 and looks like the kind of place you’d put on nice singer-songwriter gigs who weren’t going to make a mess. It’s also where the good carpet is.  Waiting to see how long that survives.

The Academy team have done well, this place looks great. I’m looking forward to seeing the middle-sized room and hopefully the increase in bands and artists playing in brum. Hopefully when the fresh paint smell us replaced with spilt beer the shine or the Academy won’t go with it.

Brand New London setlist – 27/06/09

London’s set list from 27/06/09

1.    The Shower Scene.
2.    The Quiet Things.
3.    The No Seatbelt Song.
4.    Sic Transit Gloria.
5.    Okay I Believe You.
6.    Jaws Theme Swimming.
7.    Play Crack the Sky.
8.    Gasoline.
9.    Sowing Season.
10.    Millstone.
11.    Archers.
12.    Jesus Christ.
13.    Luca.
14.    Bride.
15.    Degausser.
16.    You Won’t Know.
17.    My Girl cover
18.    Mixtape
19.    70 x 7
20.    Oh Comely (Neutral Milk Hotel cover)

Day four: Brand New roadtrip 2009 – Birmingham

After very little sleep we leave Liverpool, where we stayed at Jo’s. We pick Jamie up and head home to Brum. It’s midway through and the lack of sleep, irratic eating kinda made today a bit of a quiet one. Well, until we braved the monsoon part two and headed for the Windsor in B’ham city centre for drinks and the only meal of the day.

As expected, we lose half the group before Moneen come on stage. Tonight they’re as good as Glasgow and the lead singer is chatty and full of praise for M&S food range for vegetarians. They’re definitely a great addition to the tour and I’ve really enjoyed seeing them each night.

Kevin Devine starts with Ballgame, played on acoustic, which just highlights the noisy chatting from the crowd. However once the band is taken on stage the audience seem to pay attention. Once again he is great.

The failings of Birmingham academy as a venue are illustrated well tonight. It’s impossibly hot and uncomfortable in the venue and this is amplified significantly at the front, with wasted space at the back between the bars forcing the audience to pack in closer.

That dosent stop the crowd going crazy for Shower Scene and Quiet Things. The set is much the same as the last two nights, with the exceptions of an Archers of Loaf cover and Welcome to Bangok replaced by a stunning version of SoCo Anaretto Lime.

The club night after seems a little odd-whilst the music is good there seems to be very few people there. But nevertheless a good time is had by all and a rowsing sing-a-long to Jude Law proves a small but enthusiastic group can make a lot of noise.

It’s nice to sleep in my own bed, but we didn’t manage to get back until the small hours and making sure everyone was where they should be takes time. We also bid goodbye to Connor and Shane, who unexpectedly made it this far, but London was just too expensive.

Brand New Birmingham setlist – 26/06/09

Set-list from the Birmingham o2 Academy.

1. The Shower Scene.
2. The Quiet Things.
3. The No Seatbelt Song.
4. Sic Transit Gloria.
5. Okay I Believe You.
6. Jaws Theme Swimming.
7. Web in Front (Archers of Loaf cover)
8. Play Crack the Sky.
9. Gasoline.
10. Sowing Season.
11. Millstone.
12. Archers.
13. Jesus Christ.
14. Luca.
15. Bride.
16. Degausser.
17. You Won’t Know.
18. Soco Amaretto Lime.

Day three: Brand New roadtrip 2009 – Manchester pt2

Today should technically be a day off as Brand New aren’t playing tonight. But Kevin Devine is. In Manchester. So we head back to from whence we came.

I’ve been left in charge of the iPod and a veritable assortment of music is played, including Boys II Men, and animal spotting (sheep races!) keeps those of us in the car happy. We also have the first healthy meal of the tour (no packed lunches for us).

In Manchester we find the others and head for a park. Kevin is supposed to sound check at 6. A variety of circumstances stopped this happening, and us watching, so frisbee in the park and hit-and-miss burgers from McTucky’s put us in good stead for Lost on Campus and the main act.

Lost on Campus, aka Rob, in tow with his mum and a MacBook is a great support act. He plays a series of quintessentially British songs, which sound good even from the toilets.

Kevin is brilliant, but that’s no surprise. He actively seeks out requests and updates older songs to mirror current events – No Time Flat is updated to include current American politics, keeping the song fresh and relevant.

Banter is aplenty, with talk of pasta (penne), pastors, fishsticks and transformers. It feels more like watching a jamming session with a friend rather than a show and this has got to be a big draw to Kevin’s shows – he’s a really nice guy.

With everyones requests played and some songs from the new album we’re all happy and off to liverpool before heading off to Birmingham tomorrow.

Day two: Brand New roadtrip 2009 – Glasgow

Manchester is warm and sunny after yesterday’s downpour. We’ve slept, showered and eaten, care of the Sandown Hotel, and after dropping Jen off we’re making our way to Glasgow for show #2. A quick stop at a service station allows Kam and Louise to eat the same meals again and stock up on roadtrip-mandatory Haribo.

Roughly four hours (and two stops) from Manchester we arrive in the reassuringly identikit Travelodge. Nandos has been spotted and earmarked for dinner, so we’ve four hours to kill. A wander round Glasgow gives us a chance to see some of the beautiful architecture, stop for a drink and try on tiaras in Claire’s, but sadly not much else.

Moneen manage to be even more enthusiastic than last night – which in itself is bloody impressive. They mix up the set and banter with the audience in a way none of the bands managed yesterday. And they seem to have fans here too.

Actually everyone seems more keen – all three bands and the fans. It’s a marked improvement on yesterday. And that’s an understatement. Kevin Devine tacks on Ballgame to the end of his set and plays it beautifully. But the biggest shock is the main band themselves. Brand New play Mixtape, which is almost unheard of in the UK, and 70×7, which no one expected on this tour. There’s no other way to describe it other than immense. Even the security people at the front of the stage couldn’t help smiling at the fans reaction to Mixtape – it was infectious.

Tonight was beyond a doubt the highlight of the two shows so far with old gems making an appearance and lead singer Jesse Lacey actually interacting with the crowd. It seems hard to explain tonight as anything other than immense and awesome.

Tomorrow sees us back to Manchester for Kevin Devine’s headline show at the Retrobar. It’s unlikely have the intense reaction from the crowd as tonight, but here’s hoping.

Brand New Glasgow setlist – 24/06/09.

Bit of a collaborative effort in compiling this – mainly Ross, using Craig’s list from last night. Laura typed. Louise checked. Jamie had the final say.

1.The Shower Scene.
2.The Quiet Things.
3.The No Seatbelt Song.
4.Sic Transit Gloria.
5.Okay I Believe You.
6.Jaws Theme Swimming.
7.Play Crack the Sky.
9.Sowing Season.
12.Jesus Christ.
16.You Won’t Know.
19.Welcome to Bangkok.

Day one: Brand New roadtrip 2009 – Manchester

It’s monsoon season in Manchester. Or that’s how it would seem two hours before the gig. But that’s never going to put anyone off – we’re an overly enthusiastic bunch and we’ve travelled for miles to get here. And some us may have had the security of a car.

Louise, Kam and I pick up Jen and head for the venue, dumping the car in a car park and finding the rest of the crew in The Oxford – over the road from the venue. There’s a veritable medley of people from BNUKST board – from Liverpool, Newcastle, Stoke, Birmingham, Scotland to America and Sweden. It’s a good chance to meet fellow boardies and grab dinner.

Moneen are on first, surprisingly. They play an incredibly enthusiastic set but it’s easy to see that most of the audience have no idea who they are. Hopefully this will have earned them some new fans – they certainly deserved it from tonight’s performance. A new album is out in September and they showcased a new song ‘believe’, whose upbeat lyrics contained the idea of believing in your own way –
which seems at odds with Brand New’s dower “die young save yourself”.

Fan favourite Kevin Devine and his Goddam Band were up next and my did they rock. Opening with the required Cotton Crush, a good range of old and new material was played, including several songs from Brothers Blood – released in the UK on 20th July. Having seen Kevin Devine with and without a backing band, with band the songs definitely had more power behind them. But it’ll be nice to see a more stripped down version either on Thursday at the Retrobar or failing that in July when he supports Manchester Orchestra.

Brand New take the stage promptly at 9.30 and announce that they intend to play straight through to 11pm, without any nonsense. Which always seems a shame as a good amount of onstage banter can make a gig. But this is Brand New and it’s now almost expected.

They open with Shower Scene and it’s good to hear they’re playing stuff from Your Favourite Weapon. In fact the show seems portioned off into older stuff like Sic Transit Gloria, Quiet Things, Okay I believe you but my tommy gun don’t, Jaws Theme Swimming and No Seatbelt Song as well as newer stuff from The Devil and God and two newer, as yet unreleased, songs. But a new album it’s on it’s way –
finally! People seem divided on whether this portioning is a good move; to me it works, but I think they’ve done it well, grouping similar sounding stuff and tempos together.

It’s been two years since they last toured and everyone seemed glad to see them, hear old favourites and new tracks in anticipation from the new album. It was a good gig but the audience didn’t seem as engrossed as I’d have expected. Hopefully the crowds at the other gigs will be better.

Post-gig we’re all sweaty and in need of a drink. So off to Mc Donalds and back to the hotel. Where we’re asked if we enjoyed Take That – who were also playing in Manchester tonight. That was quickly put right and up to the rooms. Off to Glasgow tomorrow!

~ * ~

Quote of the day from Kam about Louise’s sat nav “it’s the kind of noise your toaster would make if it was melting”